Jumping rope can be helpful, focusing on losing weight, increasing height and more!
Skipping rope is more than useful than just helping you lose weight, you know. But jumping rope is an effective exercise to increase height. Plus many more benefits of jumping rope.
What can help with jumping rope? If you've tried to find the benefits of jumping rope before. You may have come across the answer that skipping rope can help you lose weight. Burns several calories per jump. But in addition to helping you lose weight Rope skipping can also help increase height. It is also good for the body as we are going to tell you right now.
1. Jump rope, lose weight, cut calories!
If measured with 30 minutes of jogging, then you can say that you can jump on a rope and burn more calories. The results of a study from Science Daily revealed that Rope skipping is a type of aerobic exercise. This will help burn up to 1,300 kilocalories per 1 hour of skipping, or simply compare it to a simple picture, that is, just ten minutes of continuous skipping, the body can burn calories as much as running a 1.6 distance. Kilometers in 8 minutes
2. Increase height
is seen as a fun exercise for children like this. But there are also good things to do in jumping rope that can help increase the height, I will tell you. Because jumping rope will force our body to be straight The muscles in the back and the middle of the body, including the leg muscles, will be stretched. However, we also have to stretch our body straight while jumping rope as well. And if you can jump rope on a daily basis for about 15-20 minutes per day, this is just like helping to increase the height of yourself about 2-3 inches. 3. Increase the coordination skills of different parts.
For people who can not distinguish the nervous. The body does not move in relation to each other much. I want you to try jumping rope to fix this problem for a while. This is because jumping rope will help you focus on the rhythm of your feet. As the hand spins the rope, which in this part the brain helps you to identify nerves at the same time, this means that if you jump rope regularly. This skill will continue to improve and the functions of the various organs will become more harmonious. 4. Smarter! It seems unbelievable that just skipping rope can get smarter. But this information has its origin. The American Institute of Skipping Rope found that skipping can improve both the left and right brain. This means that learning and memorization skills, reading skills, comprehension skills, memory and brain function will be improved over and over and will also help to concentrate more.
5. Good for the health of the cardiovascular system.
A study from the American College of Sports Medicine reveals that skipping rope is the most medically liked aerobic exercise. Because jumping rope will help the heart beat, lungs expand, which if you want to exercise fit the cardiovascular system. Including lung health together The researchers also recommend jumping rope at least 12-20 minutes at a time. And do it at least 3-5 times a week
6. Help the respiratory system to be more comfortable.
That being said, skipping rope is a type of aerobic and cardio exercise. Therefore, if able to jump rope regularly The body will become stronger. The heart system works better. Stronger lungs This time he could breathe longer. I do not feel tired until I can't breathe in time to do various activities anymore.
7. Strengthen the bone.
Dr. Daniel W. Barry, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado with a team of researchers, has studied premature bone degeneration in professional athletes and saw that: Jumping on the rope is the best bone-strengthening exercise. Since rope skipping is a mild physical movement But has managed most of the muscles and bones Therefore it is exercise that is less vulnerable to injury. Particularly, injuries from rapid and severe physical movement.
8. Helps reduce the risk of foot and ankle injuries.
Although rope skipping seems to put a lot of weight on the feet, compared to fast-moving sports like basketball, tennis or soccer. Skipping can also save your feet and ankle muscles more. That is because jumping rope does not require foot movement and a sudden stop of foot movement like the above sports. Therefore, the risk of injury to this organ is quite low.
9. Calm up,
the US Institute of Skipping Rope, the study revealed that A boxer who trains his body strength by jumping rope. Will go to the ring with more concentration and calm mind than a boxer who did not jump rope during training Because jumping rope trains us to focus on the relative movement of the body, at this point the brain is systematically related to the body. Causing more concentration on those jumping rope And if you jump rope regularly The body and brain will remember the time we concentrated repeatedly, making that thing come to everyday life with 10. It is easy, convenient and fun exercise with just one rope to carry to exercise anywhere It is a very convenient exercise, little equipment and fun. And help burn enough calories How can you not love jumping rope?
Read through this line and hurry up and pick up the rope and let's jump. But rope jumping has a few limitations for people with bad knees. Or the bones are not very strong In addition to that, even if there is a lot of weight You can jump rope, lose weight, and enjoy these benefits with ease.